It is possible to replenish your energy, clear your mind, feel more alert and at peace in only 5-10 minutes using a simple yet powerful relaxation technique that you can use in most situations. This technique brings you peace and calm by bringing your nervous system back into balance. It is particularly effective at reducing anxiety, stress, worry and tension and improving your wellbeing. When practiced often, it has very positive long-term effects. The technique is so simple, it would be easy to dismiss it without trying it, yet it is highly effective. It works by bringing your mind into a different state of consciousness where it rests and heals, yet you remain awake throughout the whole process. Find a space where are unlikely to be interrupted (though it is perfectly safe if you do get interrupted) and where you can may sit comfortably (or lie down if you prefer), and:
If you still feel tense, anxious or stressed, go through the exercise again until you feel more at peace. Once you feel your mind is calm, bask in this feeling for as long as you like. When you are ready, gently move your arms and legs, move your head from side to side, slowly open your eyes and you will return to a normal state of consciousness. Enjoy using this technique often – I recommend using it a few times a day to boost your energy, keep your mind focused and instil a sense of peace, calm and tranquility into your life. Thank you for reading. I wish you a life of fulfillment. –John
AuthorJohn Gillanders Archives
September 2022